Submission Deadline: June 31, 2024

Eden Prairie Hometown Celebration and Buggy Poetry Contest 

Come on over and meet the neighbors: seed carrying ants and nocturnal beetles with luminescent tummies...

  • Write 1 poem for each bug; that's ten poems
  • Poems must be in the shape of bugs (Shaped Poems). View some examples.
  • See Pinterest URLs for examples of Shaped Poetry at the Pinterest URLS at our Events and Contests Link.
  • Some Synonyms for bugs
  • Must be original unpublished work.
  • Submit with name, contact info and a short bio.
  • Writer owns all rights
  • Selected poems will be published on our winning writers page.
  • Submission Fee: $5.00
  • Poems published at Writers Rising Up
  • We do not accept submissions from writers who have their own pay for view/purchase web site for their work
  • $25 Award for winner
  • Award to one winner only in each category.
  • You can submit to multiple submission opportunities at WRU only.
  • You can not submit your work to WRU and other contests simultaneously.
  • Art and photos can be included.
  • Must be original writing and or work by artist/photographer included as part of submission.
We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.